Besides the fact that you can grab some time for yourself, treat yourself to that new pen an paper or ipad pro there are powerful reasons to get your goals written down and we’re going to check out 10 of them:
One: It gives you clarity on what you actually want (and in some cases what you don’t!) and insights on what you really should be focusing on to make them happen. A lot of the time we think we know what our goals are but then because we leave them swirling around in our heads, they can be unclear and confusing. Putting pen to paper allows your brain to make more sense of what it is you really want.
Two: You will emotionally connect to your goals because you’ve written them down, they won’t just be a wish but something you want to bring into your reality, so much so you took the time to write them out.
Three: It allows you to go all in, dream away baby… it’s not just about writing your goals down but opening up your mind to the possibilities, the adventure of what you really want.
Four: It helps you create a vision of how you see your life going forward, what it is you want to achieve. You start to mentally plan. In addition, you can hold onto that vision and use it daily when you have a few minutes to yourself to visualise how you’re life will be when you reach your goals and tap into how it would make you feel to live your dreams.
Five: You can use it to continually remind you of your goals. Put your goals around your home, office, or inside your favourite book, or on the breakfast table so that you have a constant reminder of the things you’re creating in your life.
Six: It brings them into reality, in this case we’re not talking about your life but your mind, your every day being as a person. Writing them down moves them from random wishes to a plan, a reality that you’re planning to make happen.
Seven: It’s a mini commitment to you and your dreams, taking the time out to stop and plan what it is you want for your life and what’s going to feel good to you IS that first ‘mini step to taking you and your dreams seriously! You’re not drifting through your life, you’re being intentional with the direction your life will take.
Eight: It’s a physical action towards your dreams and goals. The fact is most people won’t do more than wish and dream but if you want to manifest your vision you have to take action and taking steps whether big or small will put you on the right path and put the odds of getting it in your favour.
Nine: You get to track your progress, there is nothing more empowering than looking back over the goals and plans you set and realising that you’ve accomplished some, are very near others or how much action you’ve taken in general to move the needle!
Ten: Honestly it’s fun and inspiring to intentionally plan your life, to dig deep into what you want to make your reality and then to find yourself figuring out how you can actually make it happen. That’s what writing them down does for you.
It’s never to late to tap into your true potential and then of course take the action to make it happen…
And if nothing else it’s been proven that those who right their goals down are 42% more likely to reach their goals! So if haven’t started already grab the ‘Dream It. Plan It. Get It Goal Getting Toolkit‘ and let’s go!
Oh and don’t forget once you’ve written out your goals KEEP reading them, and do it with passion, excitement and belief in yourself, because YOU’VE GOT THIS.
So Hello Life
Melanie x