Let’s be honest, we talk to ourselves all day long, sometimes out loud but mostly to ourselves in our mind, but have you ever thought about the importance of what you actually think and say in those moments?
They can make or break your mood, what you feel, what you don’t feel and stir unwanted emotions, this then goes on to dictate how you present yourselves outwardly or how you react to certain situations, or what you actually get done.
When you’re going after your goals or wanting to make changes in your life it’s vital that you put yourself in the best possible state to succeed.
Your words and what you believe are powerful, and practicing ways to keep yourself in a high vibe state mentally is essential.
Whether you have big goals or not, what you think, believe, feel on a daily basis is vital to your happiness, becoming your best self, what you create in your life and how you deal with life’s challenges when they come up.
So here’s three simple things you can do to to naturally improve your thoughts and have them working for you instead of against you…
One: If you find yourself having negative thoughts about yourself, your goals, even other people and situations…firstly accept those thoughts might come in your head, especially if it’s how you usually think but are currently trying to make changes.
What you can do though is change those thoughts to something more positive, more supporting or encouraging. We’re usually more critical of ourselves than anything else so you need to be aware of that and start to consciously change that.
Two: Use affirmations to be your constant reminder of how you want to feel, what you believe, where you’re going, what you want to get done, to strengthen your mindset. Affirmations cards can be sprinkled around all your favourite places so that you are intentionally reminding yourself through out the day of what you want and how to think and feel.
They’re inspiring, and you can’t help but read them when your eyes glance over them! I have artwork I created that are affirmations and anyone who comes to my home always notices them and always put in request to have one made. I love that!
We’re thinking here at So Hello Life that we should create them to offer you So Hello Life(ers). So depending when you’re reading this don’t forget to go check out our products and see if you can get one for your wall.
Three: Read things that generally inspire you, motivate you or simply make you feel happy when you read the words. A lot of the time we get sucked into just scrolling social media and letting others tell us how we should think and feel that day, instead why not (at least first) read a page of a book that you love.
And when you do jump on your favourite social media app make sure the people/things you follow are inspiring, more positive and most importantly make you feel good about yourself.
By doing just these three things you’ll be surprised how much happier, positive and stronger you will feel, and THAT is what will allow you see success in life.
It’s never too late to change your mindset and yes some days will be harder than others, and no you’re not expected to feel high vibe all day every day but intentionally practising in the environment you’re in means when you do have sucky days or you’re just not “feeling” it will pass quicker and won’t feel as bad.
Try it, what’ya got to lose?
So Hello Life
Melanie x